Tag Archives: students

New Ph.D. student on the team

Welcome Jorge! I’d like to officially welcome Jorge Duarte Garcia to the Analytics Lab @ OU team as the newest Ph.D student.  I was pleased to work with Jorge as his Master’s advisor during his graduate studies in Data Science and Analytics and I am looking forward to seeing how much more we can accomplish… Read More »

Statistical Controls on Induced Seismicity

Statistical Controls on Induced Seismicity Conference paper by Yunjie Wen, Saurabh Sinha, Rafael Pires De Lima, and Kurt Marfurt Seismicity in Oklahoma has shown a sharp increase since 2010 and is mostly attributed to wells used to dispose wastewater from hydraulically fractured production wells (McClure, Gibson, Chiu, & Ranganath, 2017). Many studies are conducted so far… Read More »

Congratulations to two new Masters (Spring 2018)

Congratulations to the Spring 2018 Masters! Congratulations to the new Spring 2018 Masters from my research lab!  This announcement is a few months late, nonetheless both of these individuals deserve to be congratulated on their achievements! Alexander Rodriguez, Masters of Science, Data Science and Analytics Alexander David Rodriguez completed the Masters of Data Science and… Read More »

Congratulations Vignesh!

Congratulations to Vigneshwaran Dharmarajan on his new job! Congratulations Vignesh!  Vigneshwaran just received a job offer as a data scientist and has relocated to Kansas.  Vignesh recently completed his Master’s of Science in Data Science and Analytics in the Gallogly College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma and he also worked for me as… Read More »

Open Positions for Fall 2018: PhD level teaching/research assistantships

Open positions PhD-level teaching/research assistantships The School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Oklahoma has multiple PhD-level teaching and research assistantships available for the Fall 2018 semester. In the School of ISE, we are focusing on applying methods from analytics and systems engineering to problems in (i) Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and (i) Health… Read More »

New Masters 2017!

This week I am very happy to congratulate all of the students completing their Master’s of Science and PhD degrees. Several of these students are my advisees and I am quite proud of their accomplishments.  As of today, all of my MSc students have defended their work.  And on Friday, my first PhD student will… Read More »

Congratulations to three new Masters!

Congratulations Alexandra, Emily, and Megan — new Masters of Science! Alexandra Amidon (left), Emily Grimes (center), and Megan Snelling (right) have all successfully defended their Master’s theses this Spring 2017 are the three newest Masters from the Analytics Lab @ OU. Alexandra and Emily completed their Masters of Science in Data Science and Analytics from… Read More »

Summer 2016 Hangout

Summer 2016 Hangout Very happy to see all the students and friends that came out to the Summer 2016 hangout at McNellie’s The Abner Ale House in Norman.  I am privileged to work a wide variety of students in ISE, DSA, and CEES who are applying research in a broad array of application areas (from Community Resilience to… Read More »

KDD Scholarship 2016, San Francisco, CA

Congratulations Alexander: KDD Scholarship! Congratulations to Alexander Rodriguez for his recent KDD scholarship award.  The award is for the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in San Francisco, CA.   Alexander, who joined the Analytics Lab in the first of June 2016, won the scholarship through Broadening Participation in Data Mining (BPDM).  The BPDM workshop will be co-located… Read More »