Summer 2016 Hangout
Very happy to see all the students and friends that came out to the Summer 2016 hangout at McNellie’s The Abner Ale House in Norman. I am privileged to work a wide variety of students in ISE, DSA, and CEES who are applying research in a broad array of application areas (from Community Resilience to Streaming Clustering in online Gaming to Predictive Modeling for TV Ratings to Optimizing Ship Routing) and who represent many different cultures, languages, and backgrounds. Our group includes members from China, India, Iran, Peru, Brazil, as well as Oklahomans and Texans. My beautiful wife, hailing from Mexico, also came to hangout.
I am glad that this gave you a chance to meet some new colleagues and reconnect with others outside the lab.
Hopefully, all of the MS DSA students (Alex B., Alex R., Alexandra, Emily, Silvia, and Stephen) can support each other through this academically intense Fall semester about to begin! Silvia and Emily are completing their industry practicums this week as well — so congratulations to them (assuming all goes well!)
We are also happy to welcome Vera Bosco to the group — an ISE PhD student who is applying methods of stochastic optimization and dynamic programming to ship routing under weather uncertainty. She is a new addition from the group and hails from Brazil. Her bio is now posted on the team page.
And as always, I am glad to hangout with the CEES group who are a part of the CORE lab – Peihui, Mohammad, Yingjun, and Jia.
I hope this opportunity (and more like them to come) will help you connect with your colleagues and co-conspirators in the Analytics Lab. Several students are out-of-town during the Summer, but when everyone is back from their internships and travels we will plan a get-together for the Fall.