A article in the Norman Transcript just came out on the recent NSF Resilience Analytics grant award to OU. See full article here: OU Prof Leads NSF Grant
The project, led by my colleague Dr. Kash Barker, is bringing “data science” to bear on a very complex and important problem: Our infrastructure systems (e.g. power, water, transportation, telecommunications, emergency services, etc.) are interrelated and interdependent. While this necessary to support everyday activities, it also exposes new and complex vulnerabilities within our society.
Dr. Kash Barker gave the following example, “when a large-scale tornado hits, debris may be strewn across roads, power lines disabled and residents injured. The related systems — transportation, power grid and emergency care — rely on each other. Hospitals require electricity to serve an influx of patients, but roads free of debris to repair downed power lines also are required.”
The work that I will be participating on with Dr. Barker, his reasearch lab (Risk-Based Systems Analysis Laboratory) and team will be in employing predictive and prescriptive analytics to get us (community, emergency planners, first-responders) hopefully one or two steps ahead in helping communities recover from disasters.
The Resilience Analytics project has just launched it’s own website: Resilience Analytics