By | August 28, 2017

12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability

Several members of the combined CORE lab at OU attended the 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017) at the Technische Universität Wien in Vienna, Austria during the summer.

The CORE lab had a combined 5 presentations during the conference!


On Tuesday, August 8, Naiyu Wang and Xianwu Xue both gave presentations relating to resilience and climate change:

  • 2:30-2:50p Dresback, K., Xue X., Xu J., Wang, N., Kolar, R., Geoghehan K.  “STORM-CoRe: A coupled model system for hurricanes, storm surge and coastal flooding to support community resilience planning under climate change”
  • 5:20-5:40p Xue X., Wang, N., Ellingwood, B., Zhang, K.  “The impact of climate change on riverine flooding at the community scale”.

On Wednesday, August 9, Yingjun Wang and Charles Nicholson gave presentations in the general resilience section; and Peihui Lin gave a presentation in the section relating to urban resilience:

  • 10:50-11:10 Wang, Y., Wang, N. “Retrofitting building portfolios to achieve community resilience goals under tornado hazard”
  • 11:10 -11:30 Zhang, W., Wang, N., Nicholson, C., Hadikhan Tehrani, M. “Stage-wise resilience planning for transportation networks”
  • 4:40-5:00 Lin, P., Wang, N. “A simulation-based model for post-disaster functionality recovery f community building portfolios”

OU was well represented in Vienna: in addition to the five faculty/students from the CORE lab listed above who traveled to ICOSSAR, there were separate presentations from Kash Barker and Hiba Baroud (PhD from OU, now faculty at Vanderbilt).

Several colleagues from the NIST-funded Center of Excellence on Community Resilience also participated in the conference including Bruce Ellingwood (CSU), John van de Lindt (CSU), Paolo Gardoni (UIUC), and Jamie Padgett (Rice), among others.

For fun

Outside of the conference itself, Vienna was a beautiful and interesting place — museums, history, and incredible architecture.  I was very happy to enjoy the trip t Vienna with my father.  We enjoyed Stephansplatz, a main square at the center of Vienna, named after its Vienna’s amazing cathedral (two pictures below).   Also had a chance to visit the Schönbrunn Palace and gardens.  Finally, I also made a side-trip to work out with Cross Fit Vienna, “The Dungeon”!
